
Christmas Art Sale





A Susan Cook original, ‘Two Serpents’ plus an original by twin sister Wendy McNeil ‘Water Hole Walk About’ are now available. Offers over $1,000 for each will be considered up until Christmas Eve.

The twins donated the paintings to The Wayne Weaver Foundation to help raise funds to establish Transition and Re-Integration centres for First Nations prisoners.

Two Serpents measures 60cm x 60cm and is Susan’s first painting in the ‘Dreaming Series’ inspired by her Great Grandmother, Maggie Dunn.

‘Water Hole Walk About’ measures 91.4cm x 91.4cm and is inspired through the tradition of travel between water holes which united Aboriginal communities.

Susan and Wendy are Iman Elders from Taroom in Central Queensland.

Offers to info.wayneweaverfoundation@gmail.com

Event Details
  • Starting Time:9:12:AM to 8:03:PM
  • Date:18 December, 2019
  • Phone:07 3705 5742

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